So many singles who decide to try matchmaking find the high fees pretty daunting and it can often thwart your enthusiasm for starting your matchmaking journey. Paying a high fee can often bring unwanted anxiety - as expectations are obviously going to be extremely high. With Club Introductions 'Private Search' membership - we are all about helping our clients matchmaking journey become a pleasure and not a chore.
With the private search membership - you pay just £500 to register for the top tier matchmaking service - but instead of paying the whole fee upfront, after registering, members pay later for each match as and when they are presented. Members pay just £150 for each introductions - then if the connection culminates into an 'In real life date' members pay the £550 introduction fee balance.
Private search membership includes:
*Free Guest membership - so whilst you wait for your specific targeted dates - there will also be other date opportunities arising as a Guest member
*On-boarding and professionally written profile
*Personal call from matchmaker with each date presentation
*12 month window to find your matches
* Members pay the £500 registration fee and then only pay when they are connected and meet matches
*Pause period of 2 month three times during membership