If you are seeking a long-term happy relationship with ultimately your forever person then a personal search targeted matchmaking service can be a great option. Our business was founded in 2000. During the last twenty four years we have brought so many couples together (Read about one of our success stories at The Dating comparison site) and perfected our support and guidance program to ensure our clients journey to connecting with the right person feels like a pleasure and not a chore. We have a huge network of appealing singles that we can match you with and introduce you to - including from our Club Introductions 'hybrid' pool of singles.
Our ethos
We’ll provide you with the opportunity to potentially meet interesting and appealing people; but more than that, we’ll help you make the most out of these opportunities and in doing so you will find that more random romance opportunities will start to gravitate towards you. We will steer you in a positive direction, ensuring that you go out on dates with the right attitude and are emotionally and spiritually in the right place, and most of all, that you’re communicating this to other people. This will in itself make you more attractive to your target love interests. We will help you clarify your relationship goals, and set you new concrete objectives to help bring out the very best version of yourself. We use our expertise to ensure that your experience with us will guide you to a place you deserve to be - in an intimate loving relationship.
Nobody wants to keep making the same errors when entering into a fledgling relationship, so our service begins with an in-depth one-to-one evaluation. We will go through your dating and relationship history and pinpoint any unhelpful patterns of behaviour you may have fallen into and also try and identify any areas where you may be failing to make the right impact. A plan is devised and a course of action is laid out so that we can establish fresh disciplines in the relevant areas of your life, with the aim of attracting the perfect romance opportunities. Together we will strive to fine-tune small challenges that may have become obstructive in achieving your ultimate goal – a happy lasting relationship.
Our matching skills are completely unique and rely on our many years of expertise, we have fined tunes our formula for success. We have also introduced the Enneagram personality and compatibility test into our matching formula. We seek to identify the key aspects and personality traits in potential matches, as well as ensure values are in sync to with the view to you building a long lasting sustainable relationship. We help our clients move away from unhelpful selection habits and help establish the types of people that they are more likely to fall in love with long term - as opposed to continuing along a path of bringing short term brief liaisons to your radar that do not serve to get you to your ultimate goal.
During your six month service we search for and propose a minimum of six candidates in total. Usually this means you will be introduced to at least one new person on a monthly basis. We will identify the matches based on the outcome of your evaluation. Providing you and the identified match agree to meet, we shall make an email introduction and then organise for you to meet either in person ideally or via a video or phone call.
Support and follow up
Following your date we ask you both to provide us with a little feedback. We can then convey this if required. This is designed to help reduce any uncertainty and doubt that is usually standard with online and app dating and to ensure that your journey with us is an effortless and enjoyable experience. There are highs and lows with dating and part of our service is to be empathetic and also to keep your spirits high.
Once you have made a connection with someone, or if you need time owing to other circumstances, we allow you to place your membership on hold up to two times for a maximum of two months during your membership duration.
Fees: £4K for 12 months service - Includes a private search for a minimum of six matches.
Or NEW Pay-as-you-go service - Pay £400 to register then pay for each introduction as it happens!
Contact info@gorgeousnetworks.uk
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