Affordable, matchmaking service UK. Our service sits nicely in between Dating apps and more expensive full targeted matchmaking services - membership just £595 - all
inclusive for 6 months.
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Our Club Introductions service was created to sit in between dating apps and matchmaking services. Offering you a value for money introductions service, without the tedious aspects you would normally find with dating apps, but with some of the personal features you could expect from joining an expensive matchmaking service. We gradually started to work closely with other matchmaking agencies, who wanted to offer a diffusion brand to their enquiries in addition to fully targeted matchmaking - Club Introductions was born. Now we have pockets of clients all over the UK.
Club Introductions is not designed to be targeted match-making service, Instead we send you 2-3 invested and vetted potential matches each month from our network of appealing singles, all seeking a long term committed relationship.
Club Gorgeous is the UK's first 'Hybrid dating service' and part of The Club Introductions national Network
Club Introductions - UK's first hybrid Introductions Membership only £595 for 6 months*. Members receive 2-3 quality profiles per month (minimum 15 in total in the duration of your membership). All appealing, invested, eligible, vetted & professional singles.
* (We cannot guarantee introductions, whilst we send profiles each month, agreement from both sides must be met)
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